Friday, October 10, 2008


Here we are, first Interbike for BioRacer.  We had a great looking booth.  Good amount of traffic, next year we'll shoot for a bit better location.  That was my fault.  Should have gotten on the ball alot sooner.  All in all a really good trip.  

People in the US who know BioRacer, pronounced Beeo-Racer,  were excited to find out that we are going to make the custom line for the US in the US.  I feel that we are trying to give some back to our economy as well as reduce our carbon foot print.  Every little bit helps. We also had the opportunity to debut our newest feature.  Custom Tailor.  This enables the rider to order a custom sized garment that is tailored to their measurements.  We're taking customization one step further.

It's always good to see old friends and find out wot's going on in the world outside custom clothing and races.  Since I've been out of the industry for 2 years, it was nice that the first person that I saw was an old friend of mine, Joe Parkin.  He has to be one of the most down to earth guys that has ever graced the cycling industry.  He's come out with a book, A Dog in a hat.
I'm really happy for Joe and hope that more people buy this book.

Back in the office now and we'll start planning for next year.

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